- Volume
- Sag
- Drive
- Tone (Toggle switch)
- Designed for a 125B enclosure with top-mounted jacks
Weight | 0.2 oz |
Dimensions | 2.15 × 2.15 × 0.5 in |
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OD / Distortion / Fuzz
Compare to Lovepedal Eternity Burst
OD / Distortion / Fuzz
Compare to EHX Op-Amp Big Muff Pi (Reissue)
jacob (verified owner) –
pretty nice low-medium gain. would substitute a lower value pot for the sag feature as more than 1/3 turn renders the circuit inoperable.
PedalPCB –
Pot values have been updated in the build docs, this should make the sag pot more usable.
niggretzky (verified owner) –
Very nice character and quite dynamic, even for a lower gain OD. I replaced the 8K2 and 9K1 resistors with trimpot (pretty easy with the Trimmit adapter board) in order to be able to dial the distortion, and it’s quite fun (if you’re not a noob like me, you’ll be able to properly bias the JFets this way). Also, this was one of my first build an it'”s pretty straightforward, mods and all.
szukalski (verified owner) –
One of my favourite “warm” boosts and always-on pedal.
It’s important to get the right JFETs and then bias correctly. (Forums are great). For Q1, you want a J201 that has an Idss from 600-800 uA. For Q2, you want one with Idss about 400-600uA. Then bias for 6-6.6v at the drain (use trimpots to make your life easier). May sound like a bit of work, but it’s not, and the result is well worth it.
Jwyles90 (verified owner) –
This is a great, low to mid gain overdrive pedal that has some unique characteristics to it. Getting the correct J201 values is pretty crucial to the sag knob working properly, so make sure you use Fets that are the correct voltage, or get a couple trimmer adapter boards (and review the forum for guidance) to bias whatever you have. Overall though, super easy build and sounds great
Abraham Ogden (verified owner) –
I can’t express how much I love this build. I got the new layout, which makes biasing the JFETs a lot easier, and used the pre-soldered surface mount 201s available here on PedalPCB. It all sounds fantastic. This isn’t only my favorite build, it may be the best pedal I own, period.
a wolf (verified owner) –
Just another voice in agreement. If you like lower gain, edge of breakup, with a chewy amount of feel, this pedal will be your new home. Follow the above advice regarding the transistors, and don’t be shy about running it at 18 volts—it just gets better.
RockMeAmadeus427 (verified owner) –
Everybody talks about the low gain use out of this pedal, but have you tried cranking it?! This pedal can get thick! The 3-way Tone switch is extremely useful as well, as I use the lowest position for bridge pickup work and the middle position for Neck pickup use. What a pedal!